I love reading blogs. Especially well-conceived, well-written blogs: The Pioneer Woman, Made by Mike, The Happy Housewife.
Unfortunately, that isn't going to be this one. It's gonna be a lot of nothing.
Sorry for that.
Anyway, like the title of my blog says I am from a very small town in Iowa. We're in the middle of nowhere. The closest movie theater is half an hour away and the nearest restaurant is twenty. We have a grocery store in town, but unless you want to spend double what you do elsewhere or are really into supporting local business--or it's an emergency like it usually is for me-- you're not going to shop there. In my surrounding area you don't even have the choice of where to shop you can get your groceries at Fareway, HyVee, or Walmart. Of course you learn what to get where. You get your meat at Fareway, fresh produce at HyVee, and all the staples at Walmart.
I love cooking. I'm not doing a lot of it now that my husband and I seem to be working opposite shifts. I don't think we've had dinner together in a week. I hate that. I enjoy eating dinner with my husband. It's how we catch on the day when we haven't seen each other. Unfortunately with only those three places to shop at that I mentioned in the last paragraph, I'm doing a lot of ethnic cooking. Not that I haven't tried, but when you have to order certain things off Amazon you have to do your planning more than one week ahead of time and if you get it late, you're making something else anyway.
That's all I have for now.